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This was my first photoshoot . Rachel was so kind and welcoming . She answered all my questions and was available via text as well. During my photoshoot she made me so comfortable and I really got to step out of my element and take some fabulous pics. 
The pictures exceeded my expectations and I was in aw . 
Thank you Rachel for making me look like a star.


This was my first photoshoot . Rachel was so kind and welcoming . She answered all my questions and was available via text as well. During my photoshoot she made me so comfortable and I really got to step out of my element and take some fabulous pics. 
The pictures exceeded my expectations and I was in aw . 
Thank you Rachel for making me look like a star.


It was very good atmosphere in the studio. Rachel made me feel very comfortable,  she was so helpful with everything. This was definitely life time experience. Worth the time and money.


The best part for me was the atmosphere.  Walk in nervous and are greeted by energetic, fun person and you feel at ease.  When she showed me tbe pictures while shooting I was in awe of how amazing I felt. Then coming to view pictures I felt on top of tbe world. I felt true beauty on the outside too. When I received my photos I was in tears. These pictures were for my husband for me it was way more than just pictures.  The confidence I had, the way i felt about myself, all of it. I looked at those pictures thinking its me. I'm not covered up in makeup its just me. I have never felt so beautiful in my life. Rachel has changed my life in knowing I am beautiful and I am more than just a mom and wife, I'm still me!

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